The Kinburn Community Association (KCA) is a non-profit organization located in the rural City of Ottawa.
It was formerly located in the township of West Carleton and prior to that was part of Fitzroy Township. It is a community center that is run almost solely on volunteer hours. Some of the facilities and programs that take place at the community centre are:
Hall Rentals for large or small gatherings.
Outdoor Rink - Friday night skating parties, shinny hockey ...
Kinburn and District Senior's Organization
Youth Events
Summer Sports - soccer, baseball, football
Big Book Meeting (Alcoholics Anonymous)
Community events such as: New Year's Dance, Winter Carnival, Corn Roast and BBQ, Halloween Dance and Lunch with Santa, Christmas Craft Sale
Our board is made up of a group of residents committed to bringing support and services to the community.
We would love you to join us.
Vancant - President
Danielle Stinson- Vice President/Secretary
Karen Matt - Treasurer
Angela Bunge- Social Director
Jayne Coady - Advertising & Policy Director
Jamie Boisvert - Bar Director/Website Director
MaryJane Stelbisky - Kinburn Seniors Representative
Board meetings are the second Monday of every month, excluding August.
Please contact us below
General Inquiries: rentals@kinburn.ca
Field Bookings: treasurer@kinburn.ca
Hall/Rink Bookings: rentals@kinburn.ca